A Godly couple reflects the nature of God and relationship with God between himself and mankind and between Christ and the Church. Only through His original design of holy relationships we see how the power of God is felt and seen. The relationship itself can be seen as powerful in its unity and purity for the rest of the world to see and come to know. What does a Godly Couple look like? What do they do different from the rest of the fallen world?
The Absolute primary focal point is God himself. Individually, the persons in the relationship focus on God's glory and His will. They pray alone with God, study his word and mediate on it, and make decisions in their life with God's Glory in mind. As they remain in Christ, they encourage each other's individual focus on God. They exhibit the Characteristics of God through each other for each other. They love selflessly, show grace, mercy, and are forgiving just as they are forgiven. They are kind, and seek the good for the other. They hold each other accountable and correct one another in love. On a basic level, that is a Godly Couple, but what do they do specifically?
Also read Finding God's Will
There are 5 elements to a Godly Couple: Prayer, Serve, Witness, Learn, and Focus.
Prayer Together
Prayer together is fundamental. It brings them together before God as a unified couple. Most couples do not and have a laundry list of excuses. These excuses must be addressed and disposed of for the relationship to flourish in a spiritual way. Most common excuses are: Schedule conflict, Intimidation, Expectations, and the reality of other Spiritual Resistance. To address and do away with all these excuses the couple need to agree to a time and plan for just that. They need to come up with a prayer list of things they agree to pray on, keep it short and sweet, and then make it happen. They need to go to God individually and ask for the strength to over come intimidation of unrealistic expectations.
Pray together at the end of the day, before a meal, over the phone. There are zero excuses to not pray together before God. A Godly Couple will make prayer a priority in their relationship.
Also read PRAYER | Fasting
Serve Together
Couple's have the advantage of a combined resources for helping others. They can support and encourage each others interactions and serving efforts on the spot. They are by default a team. They can also complement each other in the serving. Where one is less skilled, the other may be more skilled. Thus, through the relationship, can have a greater impact and influence in the service.
It is important to serve the community because God call us to. In the service, we are actually serving God. Godly Couples should be involved in local church service projects and ministries or be involved in a parachurch ministry or volunteer organization that is addressing a need in the community; so that opportunities arise to proclaim the Gospel message.
Also read Christians that are 'too christian' | All Christians Are Missionaries
Witness Together
In their embolden faith through praying together and as they are involved in the local community through serving they will be called to give testimony of the hope that is in them. Why do the love each other so well, and why do they love the local community so much? The reason 'why' is the Gospel Message open door. They have their individual testimonies of where they came from and how God lead them to faith but their current relationship reflects the life changing power and joy that comes from remaining in the presence of God; together. 'Piggy backing' off each other in a gospel presentation shows the uniqueness and unifying power of The Gospel.
Also read The Absolute Greatest Message To Tell Everyone | Your Personal Ministry and Missions
Learn Together
Not just outside in the community but also inside the relationship there needs to be a constant study of what God has declared in his holy word. Conducting a regular bible study together and challenge each other to know God and his truths in a deeper way also brings the relationship closer and stronger. The couple learn and see God's hand and characteristics in each other. This in return strengthens faith, the relationship, and empowers the couple to be more equipped for serving God and bringing him Glory through each other and in the community.
Also read Personal Bible Study: Method | Scripture Alone
Keep Each other Focused
But like in all relationships, humans are sinners. There is no perfection until we are called home to be with the Lord in heaven; where our perfection awaits. Because Godly Couples know, understand, and trust in God's Love, Grace, Mercy, and Forgiveness, they can more effectively and willingly exhibit these characteristics on each other. Even when they sin against each other; they can forgive, and show grace and mercy. This in turn compels the sinner to repent and be fully restored by The Holy Spirit. The victim in the relationship can also heal from the hurt when they fully trust in The Holy Spirit for healing. Again, God's Will and Glory is kept in focus even when times are hard and human nature becomes exposed.
Also read A Godly Husband | The Godly Wife | How To Fight Your Sin | The Satisfaction of Christ Jesus | The Beauty of Accountability
What all these essential elements of a Godly Couple have is the absolute focus on God's Glory and His Will in the relationship, through the relationship, and for the relationship. At its core, the relationship is a tool for God to shine His light through. The couple does not focus on themselves or each other but on God. And in their focus on God, they do what is absolutely best and holy for each other and themselves. That is Godly Coup and Relationship because it reflects the very natures God Himself in a tangible way.
Also read The Original Pure and Holy Marriage | The Self and The Center of Everything
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