The highly discussed and debated issue with in the church and between other religions is the study of The End Times also known as Eschatology. The Apostles ask Jesus directly. Right after Jesus tells them Jerusalem will be destroyed (happened in 70AD), they then start to wonder and ask in Matthew 24:3 "...what is the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?”. There are four predominate theories of how The End Time will happen and in this article we will look at what Jesus revealed first. Jesus graciously gives us an outline of what will take place before The End Time happen and how it will unfold.
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Early Accounts of Christianity from Non-Christians
Secular and Non-christian ancient writers were made witnesses without even knowing it. Now it is easy for these and any ancient account to be attacked but think about this: We talk about and teach about Plato as if he was a real person of history who lived and taught around 400-300BC; yet the oldest manuscript we have of 'his' is around 800AD. That is roughly a 1,200 year separation. Yet, historians consider mentions about him in other earlier ancient writings as creditable and useful. Below are lists of mentions of Jesus that are within 17-115 years after Jesus. Closer and more reliable than most sources of other ancient persons and are accepted as reliable.
Did the Apostles distort what Jesus taught?
There are allegations throughout history that The Apostles distorted what Jesus actually did and said. This is an important issue because the claims formed completely new and separate religions. Mormonism and Islam both claim the Apostles screwed up and distorted what Jesus taught. Did they? What evidence does Islam and Mormonism have to support this claim? This is not about arguing the validity of one religion over another. This is solely focused on what we know about Jesus and what has been distorted about Jesus. Jesus is the primary subject and not any of the religions as a whole.
Why The Disciples of The Apostles Matter Today
This is a very important issue. Why does it matter what the disciples of the apostles and their disciples taught? If we have the apostles writings and eye witness testimonies of what Jesus did and said, why would their views be important? As you can tell, through history of the church, the writings of the apostles can be misinterpreted and misunderstood. How do we know what the apostles actually meant in their writings? This is what we call The Apostolic Interpretation or The Linage of Apostolic Teachings; or what the Apostles themselves meant and the true understanding of their writings.
What Did Irenaeus of Lyons Teach?
Irenaeus was born around 115 AD and was martyred around 200 AD. He was a disciple of Polycarp; who was a disciple of John The Apostle. He is best known for his 5 books named "Against Heresies" which was comprised around 180AD and addressed the Gnostism heresy. He generally laid out the orthodoxies of Christianity and express two very important aspects of the faith; scriptural authority and teaching linage from the apostles themselves. He was a church leader in Gaul which is now Lyons France and had influence with the church leader in Rome, Victor I and later important church teachers like Hippolytus of Rome. His teachings validates the teachings from the apostles, to their disciples, to him; the succession of truth.
Hyper-Grace theology
The amazing Grace of God is so amazing it changes lives for eternity. Even the reformers stressed that we are saved by Grace Alone but does this amazing grace negate repentance and confession? Wouldn't you want to live how-ever you wanted and not worry if it is sinful? The reality is that hyper-grace is nothing more than new age positivism and emotionalism disguised in churchy words that focuses on one subject of truth (Grace) while avoiding another (Obedience). Thus it does not teach the truth of God in its entirety and just want man wants to hear and avoids what man does not want to hear.
What Did Papias of Hierapolis Teach?
Papias is an important figure in the early church. He was born around 70AD and died around 163AD. He was a disciple of John The Apostle and friend of Polycarp who was also a disciple of John and Aristion (one of the 70 apostles). He helpped lead the church around the same time Ignatius of Antioch was teaching. He had access to The Apostles, disciples of the Apostles, and other eye witnesses. He even spoke with the Apostle Philip's daughters in
Hierapolis. His understanding and insights are key influences on the continuation of the person, teachings, and works of Jesus Christ. Although his writings were lost after the middle ages, they were still preserved in the quotes of other church leaders writings. His insights have been continued on in the church through Polycarp, Irenaeus, Eusebius and all the other early church teachers.
What did Justin Martyr teach?
Justin Martyr was born around 100 AD and was martyred around 165 AD. He has two complete surviving literary works. He teaches a lot about understanding John ch1 and the Logos. He has the earliest and most detailed description of how the earliest
church functioned in an organized manner. He had a very good debate
with a highly popular Jewish scribe (The Dialog) and wrote letters to
the Emperor of Rome and a Senate member. Fragments of another letter specifically about The Resurrection remains as well.
He is within the time frame of speaking with eye witnesses, family members recounting eye witness testimonies, and the disciples of the Apostles. Thus his insights are extremely important.
Justin was the mentor for other predominate Christan church leaders such as Irenaeus.
He is within the time frame of speaking with eye witnesses, family members recounting eye witness testimonies, and the disciples of the Apostles. Thus his insights are extremely important.
Justin was the mentor for other predominate Christan church leaders such as Irenaeus.
Once Saved, Always Saved
The phrase "once saved always saved" refers to the understanding of Eternal Security in Salvation. The question this addresses is: Can we lose our salvation? This is a very important question because it impacts a lot of areas of theology. At the same time it is a very easy question to answer when allowing scripture to answer it for us.
The Self and The Center of Everything
Americans are quick to think that they are the standard of the world. Their individuality and rights are the greatest gifts to all the world. But what if God required of all those who followed him to give up their 'rights' and everything in this world; for his glory. Humans are not the center of everything. The individual is either a self righteous idol trying to be its own god, or enslaved to another humanistic idol, or a self-denying, self-sacrificial, supremely valuable instrument of God's Glory. Are you the center of all that you do or is God? How would you know?
The Satisfaction of Christ Jesus
All humanity longs for something. It needs and desires something more than itself. It invents and subscribes to things that attempt to satisfy that need and desire. Religions, cultural norms and laws, hobbies and possessions, careers and status. All these things CAN attempt to satisfy the human longing for contentment and peace. Even some "christians" are not satisfied with just their religion, they need greater health, more wealth, and happiness too. But the absolute power of being in Christ is the absolute contentment and peace that only comes from him.
More Valuable than Money
Fasting helps us put this and our hearts in perspective. The symbolism of absolute fasting shows us this exact thing. God's Glory and his character and attributes far exceed the value of food and water.
Christology; Pre-incarnation
Christology; pre-incarnation is the study of Jesus in the Old Testament. This is a very important study because this is how the Messianic Jews knew who Jesus was even before he died and rose again. How did his followers know him as the Messiah, Christ, and Son of God before his crucifixion and resurrection? By correctly understanding and knowing the Old Testament. This also shines light how to better understand the Old Testament and have sound hermeneutics.
DANIEL 9: Timeline To The Messiah
Daniel 9 is HUGE. Daniel sees the coming Messiah and is also given a time frame from when the Messiah will come, go, and come again. Considering Jesus, this time line is amazingly accurate. Leaving Jesus out and this prophecy makes no sense and has expired; thus it is true through Jesus for false with out Jesus.
Daniel 9:24-27
Daniel 9:24-27
What is fasting? Why fast and how do you fast? These are important questions for anyone who is seeking the Lord and wanting to glorify him.
First understand that fasting is NOT commanded. In the Old Testament it was only commanded 1 day out of year for The Day of Atonement in Leviticus 23:27, 29, and 32. Jesus fasted (Matthew 4:2) and his apostles fasted (Mark 2:20) but again, they were not commanded to. Anyone that says you are commanded to fast is incorrect as there is not biblical support for such a command.
Fasting is not a public spectral. It is private and between you and the Lord. Those who fasted and draw attention to themselves were called hypocrites (Matthew 6:16–18). Thus we can see two things; fasting is not commanded, and it is not to draw attention to yourself.
First understand that fasting is NOT commanded. In the Old Testament it was only commanded 1 day out of year for The Day of Atonement in Leviticus 23:27, 29, and 32. Jesus fasted (Matthew 4:2) and his apostles fasted (Mark 2:20) but again, they were not commanded to. Anyone that says you are commanded to fast is incorrect as there is not biblical support for such a command.
Fasting is not a public spectral. It is private and between you and the Lord. Those who fasted and draw attention to themselves were called hypocrites (Matthew 6:16–18). Thus we can see two things; fasting is not commanded, and it is not to draw attention to yourself.
The Errors of The Modern Prosperity Gospel
What did Ignatius of Antioch teach?
Ignatius of Antioch was born around 35-45AD and died around 98 to 110AD. Another name for him was Ignatius Theophorus. He was a friend of Polycarp, a disciple of John the Apostle, and chosen by Peter to lead the church in Antioch after Evodius. It is an early tradition that he is one of the children Jesus took in his arms and blessed. He was martyred in the coliseum.
Being this close to the apostles and eye witnesses of Jesus his understanding of what Jesus did and said and what the apostles meant in their writings is extremely important. But as time went on He became so important and popular that people began to forge letters and made additions to his. Looking at the oldest recorded letters, mentions, and quotes from other witnesses of the original letters we can see what was taught in the originals and what information is highly suspect. When only considering the oldest witnessed writings we can see what he taught prior to the imputations and later modifications.
Being this close to the apostles and eye witnesses of Jesus his understanding of what Jesus did and said and what the apostles meant in their writings is extremely important. But as time went on He became so important and popular that people began to forge letters and made additions to his. Looking at the oldest recorded letters, mentions, and quotes from other witnesses of the original letters we can see what was taught in the originals and what information is highly suspect. When only considering the oldest witnessed writings we can see what he taught prior to the imputations and later modifications.
Do Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Mormons Worship The Same God?
This is a logical question considering these different 'religions' all claim to come from or 'depend' on the same book, The Torah and mostly the Old Testament. Because they talk of the same "God" does that mean they all believe IN THE God of the Torah and of Christianity? To know this, we need to look at essential characteristics of the god each religion that claims to believe in the same God and then simply compare.
The Beauty of Accountability
It is human nature to NOT want to be held accountable for our wrongful actions. From the very beginning; Adam blamed Eve, and Eve blamed the snake. But what if that resistance to being held accountable was actually our sinful nature and that God actually wants us to hold each other accountable; and what if through that accountability we get to experience grace, mercy, forgiveness, and need for Christ on a deeper level of understanding. An understanding that would not come otherwise. What does scripture teach us about accountability and our duty out of love for each other?
Negative Name Dropping and Calling Out
It has become common in American society to view name dropping and calling people out in regards to something negative as 'wrong' even a 'sin'. The question(s) we dive into are: Is it ever 'okay' (right and not a sin) to name dropping and calling people out? If and when it is appropriate? To come to the answers to these questions, we need to first look at Jesus Christ and his apostles.
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