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The World Changes, The Worldly Hearts Do Not

When reading through the Bible and take note of social norms in the early cultures all the way through the early church writings about social norms of those times; a pattern becomes apparent.  A social norms pattern that conflict with God's moral standard.  Then, when looking at our modern times and its escalating social norms, we see the pattern continuing.  The pattern of child sacrifice and freedom for sexual immorality. But what is at the source of it and what is wrong with it?

Child Sacrifice. 

As early as 1500 BC we see The Phoenician culture practice sexual immorality and child sacrifice as a form of worship to a god Moloch.  This worship of Moloch even spread to North Africa and morphed into Kronos after the idea migrated to Carthage in Greece.  God set himself above the man invented god Moloch when he offered a greater alternative to human sacrifice (Gen 22:2-23) and commanded Israel not to follow those humanistic social norms (Leviticus 18:21).  But, as the fallen human heart is, even Israel eventually accepted the unholy social norms (1 Kings 11:1–8; 12:31; 2 Kings 23:10).  Even King Solomon could not escape his natural corrupted heart despite all his wisdom and knowledge of God (1 Kings 11:4-11).  More kings began to sacrifice their children (2 Kings 21:6; 2 Chronicles 28:1-4) then the people of Judah did the same (Jeremiah 32:35).  God made it absolutely clear, child sacrifice is unacceptable and incompatible to him (Leviticus 20:2-5).  The single common purpose for child sacrifice is to bring good fortune and future wealth whether from a god or from yourself as god.

But it did not end there.  Cultures continued to practice it.  Athenagoras of Athens around 175AD wrote a letter to the Roman Emperor explaining how Christians are against all forms of cruelty.  In Chapter 35 he uses specifically speaks of women who are pregnant purposefully terminate their pregnancy as absolutely wrong and goes against what Christianity stands for (read it here).  His statement "to regard the very foetus in the womb as a created being, and therefore an object of God's care, and when it has passed into life [conception], to kill it; and not to expose an infant, because those who expose them are chargeable with child-murder" is clear.  He is not talking about killing a baby after birth but before it is born or "exposed".  

Without question, child sacrifice to a god or god of the self is incompatible to Christianity.  And here we are, 2000 years later still discussing the issue like it was never settled or ever made clear.  The problem has never been the clarity of teachings but has always been the human heart to justify all types of evil.  Notice all the different cultures at different times; Phoenician, Roman, American. All whom practice the same thing for the same purposeful intended results; better fortune and more wealth.  
Also read Follow Your Heart?  | Abortion and God's Gift | Me, Myself, And I and "Doing Me" 

Sexual Immorality 

Sexuality is not immoral when it is practice in the way that God meant it to be.  Sexual acts within the pure original design in beautiful and fulfilling.  Sexual desires and acts outside of the pure original design is enslaving, addicting, unfulfilling, and idolatry.  Sodom was demolished because of how sexually immoral that people had become.  The cultural norm had become 'sex with anyone on demand' (Gen 19:5).  Rape was viewed as part of the norm.  Adultery, fornication, same-sex (Gen 19:5-8), incest, bestiality, prostitution; all had no negative connotations in the culture.  They had become acceptable.  Lot even attempted to tell them that it is wrong, but they replied with the age old "don't judge me" (Gen 19:9).   Later, God makes it absolutely clear about specific sexual acts are universally immoral (Lev 18:8-22) and the Holy Spirit reiterates this through the Apostles (Romans 1:26-28, 1 Cor 6:9-10). 
Also read Why did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah  |  Freedom for The Law and Sexuality

Aristitdes of Athens around 125AD, Justin Martyr around 150AD, and Athenagoras of Athens around 175AD reiterate what is stated in Holy Scripture about what God has defined as sexual immorality.
Aristitdes even has to argue for the sake of Christians in Rome; It is specifically the sexually immoral community in Rome that is persecuting Christians the most, because they refused to accept the acts as moral; as recorded in Chapter 17 (read it here). 
Also read Normalized Adultery

Without question, sexual immorality is ANYTHING that is outside of a one husband and one wife marriage.  Here we are 2000 years later still wrestling with this issue.  Again, the issue has never been the clarity of the teaching but of the sinful desire in the human heart that can be seen in all human history.  From the Sodom culture, Roman culture, and the evolving American culture we see the same attitudes and practices.  Christians refused the accept it as moral and get persecuted in culture for it.
Also read How "Love is Love" is Unloving.  | Born This Way | The "Jesus didn't say it" Reasoning | Don't Judge Me | The Beauty of Accountability | The Original Pure and Holy Marriage | A Godly Couple


The one thing that ties these two patterns of a sinful heart together is self-righteousness and self-idolatry; the worship of self, instead of God.  Abortion is justified for the supposed betterment of the self.  Sexual Immorality is justified because of self seeking desires. Its justified because "it is what I want". 
Also read God's Truths are Not a Matter of Opinions  |  Your Feelings Do Not Determine Truth  |  The Self and The Center of Everything

Through human history, with Holy Scripture as the standard for morality, we see the pattern of immorality through time and culture.  The world may change from dominate culture to culture but the hearts of humanity have not.  They will continue desire child sacrifice in various shape or form and sexual immoral freedoms until Christ returns to judge the world.  We are not bringing world peace, Jesus is.
Also read The Joy of TRUTH  |  The Other Side of The Real Jesus  |  Test, Discern, and Righteous Judgement

The church needs to remain kind, loving, and gracious BUT never sacrifice God's holy truth out of fear of cultural offense.  Always remember, Jesus was murdered because he was offensive (Matthew 10:34).  He told his disciples that they WILL be hated and they WILL be persecuted (Matthew 10:16-25).  History, past and present, validate this.  But the proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the world is not contingent on culture norms; it is our responsibility regardless of culture norms.
Also read Christians that are 'too christian'  | All Christians Are Missionaries | Radicalized Christians? | The Absolute Greatest Message To Tell Everyone | True Revival 

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